Become a Member



Membership options are varied with conditions to suit the style of golf you plan to play. For those wishing to enjoy the golf course in a social capacity with the occasional competition, the Flexi Membership is ideal.  If you reside more than 50 kilometres from Warwick you may be interested to join as a Country Member.  Discounted memberships are available for 18 to 21 year olds, Under 18’s, Juniors and Mighty Midgets.

The year’s membership is from January to December.  Pro-rata fees apply for new memberships received after February 1st

The Application Form can be found here

GA Handicap, Voting Rights, Honour Board events, serve on Committee, lease a buggy shed, reduced social fees for 6 guests per year. Social play $3.00

GA Handicap, live 50kms plus from Warwick, Trophy of the day only (not Honour Board events or Monthly Medals), max 12 competition games per year.  Social play $3.00

GA Handicap, Trophy of the day only (not Honour Board events or Monthly Medals), extra competition fees apply, max 12 competition games per year.  Social play $5.00

**Please take particular notice of eligibility for Honour Board events, maximum competition games per year, game fees, voting rights and buggy shed rentals.


There is a waiting list for buggy sheds.
If you are interested in renting a buggy shed please email

Payments to be a full playing financial member can be made for 12 months either in one yearly payment or two half yearly payments or by monthly direct debit payments.

To be eligible for all Monthly Medal and Honour Board Events, a member must have full financial status in any of the above methods of payment.


I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete
Morgan King